Saturday 10 November 2012

Broken Wing

I'm the warrior from the sky,
Killing is my job i say aye.
Took over many emperors and kings,
I'm a angel with a broken wing.
She changed me with her smile,
She brought me to light,
Living with her is all i prefer for quite a while.
My life it has been never so bright.
All the songs of love now i sing,
I'm a angel with a broken wing.
Heaven is my home where i never wanna climb,
Leaving you down here will be the biggest crime.
All those fights and hatred i've left behind,
Ur'e thoughts are the only thing which runs in my mind.
Your love brings me airs of springs,
I'm an angel with a broken wing.

Friday 24 August 2012


Nothing seems right,
Wanna put up a fight.
Want to see where it ends,
Every hate misery i'm the one who lends.
Hands raised up in the sky,
My life is a disaster,
Reasons i don't know why.
Happiness it never comes to me,
Every shade of shade of sadness i'm the one who sees.
Wanna cry out,no one wants to hear,
Don't want to loose you that's my constant fear.
Lost inside your thoughts,
Just keep thinking about the fights we fought.
It seems like a disaster in my life,
Broken down into pieces,
Left on the ground to be sliced.


Life has changed,
What have i lost what have i gained.
All the good memories faded away,
Oh god oh lord where are my golden days.
All the wishes were fulfilled,
Now all my dreams are placed right above the hill.
All i wanted was a candy,
Many things i want now nothing comes handy.
Want to go back please show me the way,
Oh god oh lord i miss my golden days.
Lived a life of a king,
I want to fly away please give me wings.
nobody knows how i feel now,
There's so many things to say,
Want to escape there's no other way.
Oh god oh lord give me back my golden days.

Friday 3 August 2012


Just another bloodshed,
No ray of light,
Human hopes are slaughtered and iced.
Just another bomb blast,
A mother loosing her child,
And the people v trust give out speeches which are wild.
Just another warfare soldiers die,

Civilians just try 2 figure out why???
All the bright sunshine taken away,
Another terrorist attack another black day.
So now we ask the question why it has to be us???
Putting up a fight against it is now must.
So give up crying and dying in wain,
No more sorrows no more pain.
We all deserve happy lives,
So now finally we pull up our knives.